Holy Family Catholic School Fundraising
A Cheque for £1,738 from fundraising by Holy Family School for the Twinning Association's Disaster Fund was presented by Adele Klitou, Head of Upper School. What wonderful students. Thank you.
Delegation Visit to Dominica & Antigua
Waltham Forest, Antigua- Barbuda and Dominica Twinning Association's post Hurricane Maria reception at the St. James Guest house, Dominica March 2018. A cheque for EC$1,200 was presented to the Petite Savanne Primary School. The whole community of Petite Savanne was displaced as a result of Tropical Storm Erika. The funds were made possible from our Fundraising Show and Dance on the 11th March 2016 (shown below).
'Telling Our Story ’: Black History Month & Fundraising Event
The Waltham Forest, Antigua & Barbuda and Dominica Twinning Association held a fundraising event with the theme 'Telling our Story' at the Lister Hall, Leytonstone High Road Methodist Church. ‘Telling our Story’ was an exhibition of performances that were carefully crafted in a series of creative writing workshops under the auspices of Jane U. Grell, a local poet, singer and storyteller of both national and international repute.
The Telling Our Stories Black History Month event October 2017 also served to raise funds for Hurricane Maria and Irma.
The event exceeded its target by raising £540.42 which was evenly distributed between the rebuilding Barbuda and Dominica funds and Diabetes UK, which is the Mayor of Waltham Forest’s chosen charity for 2017-18.
The Twinning Association is grateful to all those who attended the event and look forward to their continued support.
The Telling Our Stories Black History Month event October 2017 also served to raise funds for Hurricane Maria and Irma.
The event exceeded its target by raising £540.42 which was evenly distributed between the rebuilding Barbuda and Dominica funds and Diabetes UK, which is the Mayor of Waltham Forest’s chosen charity for 2017-18.
The Twinning Association is grateful to all those who attended the event and look forward to their continued support.
Fundraising Show and Dance
This event was in response to the devastation caused by the tropical storm in Dominica on 27th August 2015.
Lives were lost and whole communities severely disrupted and displaced as a result of the flooding.
It was an enjoyable evening of entertainment to raise funds for the Tropical Storm Erika relief effort . An evening of entertainment on the 11th March 2016 , bringing the community together and raising funds in support of the Tropical Storm Erika relief effort. The event showcased a collection of local and international artists, dancers, poets and musicians.
Lives were lost and whole communities severely disrupted and displaced as a result of the flooding.
It was an enjoyable evening of entertainment to raise funds for the Tropical Storm Erika relief effort . An evening of entertainment on the 11th March 2016 , bringing the community together and raising funds in support of the Tropical Storm Erika relief effort. The event showcased a collection of local and international artists, dancers, poets and musicians.